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This is physical wellness for
any shape and size.
Because it is low to no impact and supported you control how hard you want to work and the intensity is all controlled by body movement and placement.
Progression is guaranteed.
This cardio is using the ball
for our benefit.
It is all about the pace and is easy on the knees and back.
It's so much fun you forget you're even working!
Increasing or decreasing
the intensity is as easy as
moving your body.
The more body we have
on the ball the less intense
the exercise will be.
Decrease the base, and this will increase the intensity as you will now have more body to push around.
So you are in complete control!
Using only our body weight,
the ball supports us telling our brain
"I've got this!"
The brain then lets our muscles relax and we get the full benefit of the full range of motion.
We increase the work rate by my favourite word: